Long Weekend

I had a very relaxing Memorial Day weekend. I needed it with all the stress of our new home plans possibly falling through. I stayed busy around the house. Where I live it is time to plant pumpkin seeds. At a craft fair a few months ago, an old man and woman had a booth set up with any heirloom seed you can think of. We do not have a garden so I wanted to pick just one type of seed. I went with Jack o Lantern pumpkins. This weekend we dug a spot where there would be plenty of room for the vines to sprawl out and I’ve been researching how they grow. I would be happy if I grew just one big fat pumpkin.

I also, of course, fit in some crafting time. I have never been good with a sewing machine and usually just get frustrated and put it back in the box. I did take a home economics course in high school but obviously did not take away any useful skills. My new obsession with quilting has required me to give it another shot. I have all of the pieces cut for two adorable Dresden trivets from  Cotton Charm Quilts but am trying acquire some skills before ruining them in the machine. It’s taking all I have not to just hand sew them…but I have GOT to learn to use a sewing machine. 



Fun little project—Manala Wheel from Attic 24


Back to the work week!

xx Kelsey

The Beginning of the Rest of our Lives

Ok so I posted about a year ago that I was now engaged. Fast forward to the present—we are getting married this summer (no wedding, just the two of us) and are looking for a place to live in the meantime. We have found our home!!! We have both always rented and never owned, so you can understand our excitement. I can paint the walls and decorate however I want! I am on cloud 9 planning out all the details. 

Right now we are focused on the kitchen. The walls were a dark red/burgundy color, way too dark. We wanted something light to open up the room. We started painting a couple of days ago and were so excited when it covered that dark color. We chose a pale blue—Valspar River Mist. Love it!


Here is what I am most excited about. Look at this beauty! I picked it up at an estate sale and I am so excited about it. Great condition. Will be the piece that inspires the kitchen.


Look at the view. We both decided we would not be happy to live in the city so here we are out a curvy back road. Could not be happier. Our first home! Will post updates on the redo :).


Quilt Obsession

I have recently become obsessed with anything to do with quilting, particularly vintage quilts. I think a reason for me not discovering my love of crafting until my early adult life is because I did not have that older crafting figure in my life. I know I had relatives that quilted, sewed, and knitted but no one I was around long enough to pick up any skills. To my dismay, along with this, came a lack of handcrafted heirlooms passed down. Oh how I would loooove to have one, just one, vintage quilt passed down to me. They have so much character and tell so many stories. 
In the past couple of weeks I came across some items made from old quilts. After talking to the crafters, these quilts were repurposed because they were too badly damaged for mending. You can see the piggy has some damage. I think he was repurposed either long ago or more recently and was well loved. I am going to fix him up. The pillow front is a piece of an old Road to Nowhere quilt and the backing is a piece of an old chenille bedspread. This lady made 64 small pillows from just a few quilts! The table or mantle runner is my favorite. It could be used for anything. The lady who made this was able to salvage one of the edges of a damaged quilt. 


So I asked myself the other day, “If you love quilts so much, why not make one?” I don’t have anyone to teach me, but have bought some books and found some great tutorials online. I think I’ll start with a simple square patchwork in some favorite patterns. I hit a big sale at Joanns and bought some startup materials. I’m excited to get started! (Although that voice in my head keeps telling me I already have enough projects going).